Parental Education

Parental Education

The goal of Parental Education is mainly to teach parents the best ways to educate their children to the best of their ability.

Child Education

Child Education

Finding the best ways in which to teach a child is very important.  All children are different, and different methods will work with different children.

Education Through AR/VR

Education Through AR/VR

Using Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality in education methods can make life much easier. It gives access to strategies and programs, especially for children.

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Creating Reality HackathonParental EducationSleep is a much-needed commodity for most people.  Some people can go without much sleep, but mostly everyone needs enough sleep to function well throughout the day.  Many factors can be the cause of not getting that sleep.  Sometimes it is a temporary occurrence, and then there are the things you cannot change quickly. When things change your sleeping habits  Temporary influences can be caused by many things in daily life.  Anything that brings about a sudden, but passing, change, could influence your sleep. And then there are the more permanent changes, a new baby, or an illness.  A sudden change in sleep patterns for a child or adult can also have a big influence on daily routines. There is help available People tend to get very frustrated when nothing they know will help them to sleep.  They may try different methods to get that needed sleep like sleep training methods. Fiction and Facts A fact is that a lot of research is going into finding gentle sleep training methods that work better than more harsh approaches used in the past. Another fact is that a different approach might be needed for each individual. A few facts that most people might not believe is that sleep training can fail in some instances.  It sometimes just does not work.  Sleep training methods can also work for a while and then lose their effectiveness. It is fiction to believe that once a baby, or any individual, is sleep trained, they will always sleep through the night. It is also not true that sleep training needs to include a lot of crying. Sleep training will not harm anybody, not if you do the training, and also not if you don’t. Sleep training differs from person to person, baby to baby, and for each individual.  Many myths can deter people from taking this seriously, but learning more about these methods can change their minds. [...] Read more...
Creating Reality HackathonChild EducationSleep is being done differently all over the world.  Different cultures have different sleeping arrangements.  Not so long ago, 200 years or less, whole households, or families, all slept together in the same area. In many parts of the world, sleep was done in groups, being a social activity.  There were no special clothes for sleeping or special rooms for sleeping.  Everybody slept on the floor or basic beds. The Change in Sleeping Attitudes This changed in more modern times when people began to earn more money and could afford living quarters with more room.  Sleeping behavior changed with the changed living arrangements and then ideas changed regarding infant sleep. Parents feel pressured about all the information they are bombarded with and do not always listen to the right advice.  Adopting the right methods towards their baby’s sleep pattern can become very rigid. Sleep Training a Baby New parents will find that in the beginning, their newborn will need feeding every few hours.  Stretches between feeding will get longer, but many other things can disturb a baby’s sleep. When parents decide that their child needs sleep training for his or her well-being, they should choose the right methods.  Parents should evaluate any sleep training with intuition and their feelings.  If any method does not feel right, they should not try it. Some professionals can help with deciding which sleep training method will be best for parents, their children, their believes, and their lifestyle. Baby’s and Sleep Before the world of sleep changed, babies fell asleep while their mothers worked or completed their daily chores.  They fell asleep carried on their mother’s body or near where she was busy.  They did not need quiet or darkness. Today, life and time is managed differently, and children are expected to be trained and educated much earlier than before. [...] Read more...
Creating Reality HackathonChild EducationMany people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep without knowing that there is help.  Young families with small children, or newborn babies, have another kind of struggle to get enough sleep.  Each family is unique, and each individual in the family is different.  You need to use that uniqueness to form a workable plan for all to get the needed sleep. There are many researchers that work hard to find the best ways to help families and individuals to find the best solutions for their sleep problems.  Huckleberry is one of these researchers that will work with families to conquer their sleep deprivation. Understanding Your Family’s Dynamic To understand the many things that make a family unique, you may need some help.  Huckleberry Labs give this help.  Their story begins with sleep-deprived parents looking for a way to be the best, and also wanting the best for their family. They understand that each family is unique, and each child is unique.  Combining science and research they will find a sleep training method that will work for your family.  They will educate and support families as long as they need it. A Helping Application Keeping track and remembering every detail can become difficult if you do not keep that information somewhere.  Huckleberry provides an application where all the information can be added and you can track it easily. Everything you track and add can then also be used to learn more about your family.  This information can then be used to make the best decisions for everyone. The Importance of Sleep Wondering if this is the right way to proceed? Just think of the day that follows a sleep-deprived night.  If the sleep deprivation continues through a week or a month, it will have an effect on your health.  For an adult, and a child, or baby, sleep is needed for good health and for feeling good. [...] Read more...
Creating Reality HackathonChild Education / Parental EducationAdvances in technology almost always bring advances in education and education methods.  AR and VR are such new technologies that can bring great change to many areas in the world. Many countries in the world are not as technologically advanced and connected as richer countries.  These new technologies can enable reaching these countries and helping them in many ways. Education Education and training are two of the areas that can harness this potential.  AR and VR are on the brink of developing into the next big thing that can change the world of computing. AR, Augmented Reality, and VR, Virtual Reality, have the potential to reach more students.  Creating more exciting and engaging classroom experiences will bring more students to class.  Students from anywhere can attend a virtual classroom without traveling. Teachers could create a learning environment that can take learners anyplace in the world while in the virtual classroom.  Learners can experience many things that they would never have the opportunity to do otherwise. Training Recreating real-world experiences with excellent detail will enhance training in many areas.  Simulating dangerous situations that might happen and finding solutions without being in real danger can be well used. Preparing learners for handling diverse situations and experiencing the variables in such situations will better prepare them for any encounter. These real-world simulations can also be used for teaching and recreating things that happened in the past.  Experiencing history firsthand can only lead to making better decisions in the future. Gaming These digital tools, AR and VR, are already used in gaming devices.  They can enhance real-world images in real-time to simulate experiences in real life.  Creating virtual reality for games is nothing new and enjoyed by many. However, these technologies can be used in many more things.  Creating better learning experiences and helping with training methods are just two of the many potentials of AR and VR.  These technologies can open up a whole new world of creative ways of doing normal things. [...] Read more...
Creating Reality HackathonChild Education / Parental EducationSleep occurs naturally in humans and influences the body and mind.  While sleeping, the body has less sensory activity, altered consciousness, and reduced activity in muscles.  The whole body is resting.  Sleep alternates between two patterns, REM and non-REM sleep.  Different things happen and don’t happen during these two sleep patterns. REM Sleep  During this sleep mode, the body is in virtual paralysis and an anabolic state.  Bodily systems are resting and dreams can occur.  While dreaming, the experience will feel real, but when awake, the dream will be realized as fantasy. REM sleep helps to restore the nervous, muscular, immune, and nervous systems.  All vital processes need to be maintained and REM sleep mode keeps the memory, mood, and cognitive functions healthy. Non-REM Sleep Non-REM sleep is very different from REM sleep.  This is the first wave of sleep.  The body’s heart rate and temperature will fall, and less energy will be used by the brain. REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep represents the smaller part of sleeping time.  One cycle of REM and non-REM sleep takes about 90 minutes.  There can be between 4 and 6 cycles in a good night’s sleep. A Good Night’s Sleep A good night’s sleep is as important as exercise and healthy eating. Not sleeping well is linked to gaining weight.  Poor sleep is also associated with a bigger risk of stroke and heart disease.  Depression and other mental health issues are linked directly to sleeping disorders and poor quality of sleep. Sleeping well can improve productivity and concentration as well as performance.  Sleep improves immune function.  The bottom line is that a good night’s sleep is one of the pillars of good health and can change a lot of negatives into positives. [...] Read more...
Creating Reality HackathonChild EducationThe giving of advice is a socially accepted activity.  However, advice can sometimes be bothersome and ill-advised.  The wrong advice can cause more problems without offering any solutions. A lot of factors can influence parental decisions.  Each parent is an individual that was educated by their parents.  They could come from different backgrounds and cultures, different social classes, and different languages. All these differences will have an effect on how their children will be raised.  An outsider won’t know all this, but they may still give you advice. How to Handle All Advice Listen to all advice given, but do not follow all of it without discussing it.  Advice is given in good faith and should be received as such.  Nobody has to know if it is followed or not.  Parents should decide if given advice will work or not. Fun Advice Random advice from actual parents trying to lighten the mood in really trying situations can really lift the spirit.  Some of these might just be helpful. Listen to what children ask and say, do not answer yes to anything if you were not listening intently.  You may not be able to distance yourself from a promise made while not listening.  No excuse. A certain way to ensure that children eat their food, tell them it is yours. Be prepared that books and playthings are only going to last one playtime. Talking to rocks or walls or any inanimate object is a good way to practice speaking to your young toddler.  Their ears haven’t been fully developed by then and they will display the same skills for listening as those objects. Good Advice Good advice is to always follow your feelings and thoughts about any given advice.  Although all advice is given to try and help parents, not all advice will work the same for different parents. [...] Read more...
Creating Reality HackathonChild Education / Parental EducationA parent is a child’s first link to education and to learning the important things they need to live a meaningful life.  At school, they will be taught to read and write and socialize with others, but the parents will begin the process at home. Educating a Parent  When parents decide to have a child, that is also the moment their education should start.  Having a good, solid relationship with each other is a good beginning.  Education will change throughout time, beginning with learning what is good for the child before birth. Potentially, parents should be educated about family planning, medical issues and care, and nutrition and health.  This will include thinking about the health of mother and baby, before birth, and how to maintain that health for the whole family as it grows. An educated parent will learn how to provide all that is needed at the correct stage in every child’s growing process.  They will know how to handle challenging behavior, and how to be a good example in social situations. Educating a Child  A baby learns through actions and playing and through experiencing love and giving love back in their own way.  A young child learns through watching and copying the actions they see. An educated parent will know that loving your children and showing and telling them that they are loved may be the most important way of teaching them. Always make time to spend with a child. Quality time is time that they will remember and treasure.  It can be anything they like from reading a book, playing a game, or just being together.  Children learn through play and copying the actions they observe. Education works both ways Listen to what a child tries to tell you, and when they are grown, they will listen to you.  Even when they cannot speak fluently, still listen and try to understand.  A mutual feeling of being important to the other will grow and a special bond will follow. Seeing their parents in a happy, steady relationship, respecting each other and their children are the greatest gifts parents can give their children. [...] Read more...
Recent post
Parental EducationSleep is a much-needed commodity for most people.  Some people can go without much sleep, but mostly everyone needs enough sleep to function well throughout the day.  Many factors can be the cause of not getting that sleep.  Sometimes it is a temporary occurrence, and then there are the things you cannot change quickly. When things change your sleeping habits  Temporary influences can be caused by many things in daily life.  Anything that brings about a sudden, but passing, change, could influence your sleep. And then there are the more permanent changes, a new baby, or an illness.  A sudden change in sleep patterns for a child or adult can also have a big influence on daily routines. There is help available People tend to get very frustrated when nothing they know will help them to sleep.  They may try different methods to get that needed sleep like sleep training methods. Fiction and Facts A fact is that a lot of research is going into finding gentle sleep training methods that work better than more harsh approaches used in the past. Another fact is that a different approach might be needed for each individual. A few facts that most people might not believe is that sleep training can fail in some instances.  It sometimes just does not work.  Sleep training methods can also work for a while and then lose their effectiveness. It is fiction to believe that once a baby, or any individual, is sleep trained, they will always sleep through the night. It is also not true that sleep training needs to include a lot of crying. Sleep training will not harm anybody, not if you do the training, and also not if you don’t. Sleep training differs from person to person, baby to baby, and for each individual.  Many myths can deter people from taking this seriously, but learning more about these methods can change their minds. [...]
Child EducationSleep is being done differently all over the world.  Different cultures have different sleeping arrangements.  Not so long ago, 200 years or less, whole households, or families, all slept together in the same area. In many parts of the world, sleep was done in groups, being a social activity.  There were no special clothes for sleeping or special rooms for sleeping.  Everybody slept on the floor or basic beds. The Change in Sleeping Attitudes This changed in more modern times when people began to earn more money and could afford living quarters with more room.  Sleeping behavior changed with the changed living arrangements and then ideas changed regarding infant sleep. Parents feel pressured about all the information they are bombarded with and do not always listen to the right advice.  Adopting the right methods towards their baby’s sleep pattern can become very rigid. Sleep Training a Baby New parents will find that in the beginning, their newborn will need feeding every few hours.  Stretches between feeding will get longer, but many other things can disturb a baby’s sleep. When parents decide that their child needs sleep training for his or her well-being, they should choose the right methods.  Parents should evaluate any sleep training with intuition and their feelings.  If any method does not feel right, they should not try it. Some professionals can help with deciding which sleep training method will be best for parents, their children, their believes, and their lifestyle. Baby’s and Sleep Before the world of sleep changed, babies fell asleep while their mothers worked or completed their daily chores.  They fell asleep carried on their mother’s body or near where she was busy.  They did not need quiet or darkness. Today, life and time is managed differently, and children are expected to be trained and educated much earlier than before. [...]
Child EducationMany people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep without knowing that there is help.  Young families with small children, or newborn babies, have another kind of struggle to get enough sleep.  Each family is unique, and each individual in the family is different.  You need to use that uniqueness to form a workable plan for all to get the needed sleep. There are many researchers that work hard to find the best ways to help families and individuals to find the best solutions for their sleep problems.  Huckleberry is one of these researchers that will work with families to conquer their sleep deprivation. Understanding Your Family’s Dynamic To understand the many things that make a family unique, you may need some help.  Huckleberry Labs give this help.  Their story begins with sleep-deprived parents looking for a way to be the best, and also wanting the best for their family. They understand that each family is unique, and each child is unique.  Combining science and research they will find a sleep training method that will work for your family.  They will educate and support families as long as they need it. A Helping Application Keeping track and remembering every detail can become difficult if you do not keep that information somewhere.  Huckleberry provides an application where all the information can be added and you can track it easily. Everything you track and add can then also be used to learn more about your family.  This information can then be used to make the best decisions for everyone. The Importance of Sleep Wondering if this is the right way to proceed? Just think of the day that follows a sleep-deprived night.  If the sleep deprivation continues through a week or a month, it will have an effect on your health.  For an adult, and a child, or baby, sleep is needed for good health and for feeling good. [...]
Child Education / Parental EducationAdvances in technology almost always bring advances in education and education methods.  AR and VR are such new technologies that can bring great change to many areas in the world. Many countries in the world are not as technologically advanced and connected as richer countries.  These new technologies can enable reaching these countries and helping them in many ways. Education Education and training are two of the areas that can harness this potential.  AR and VR are on the brink of developing into the next big thing that can change the world of computing. AR, Augmented Reality, and VR, Virtual Reality, have the potential to reach more students.  Creating more exciting and engaging classroom experiences will bring more students to class.  Students from anywhere can attend a virtual classroom without traveling. Teachers could create a learning environment that can take learners anyplace in the world while in the virtual classroom.  Learners can experience many things that they would never have the opportunity to do otherwise. Training Recreating real-world experiences with excellent detail will enhance training in many areas.  Simulating dangerous situations that might happen and finding solutions without being in real danger can be well used. Preparing learners for handling diverse situations and experiencing the variables in such situations will better prepare them for any encounter. These real-world simulations can also be used for teaching and recreating things that happened in the past.  Experiencing history firsthand can only lead to making better decisions in the future. Gaming These digital tools, AR and VR, are already used in gaming devices.  They can enhance real-world images in real-time to simulate experiences in real life.  Creating virtual reality for games is nothing new and enjoyed by many. However, these technologies can be used in many more things.  Creating better learning experiences and helping with training methods are just two of the many potentials of AR and VR.  These technologies can open up a whole new world of creative ways of doing normal things. [...]
Child Education / Parental EducationSleep occurs naturally in humans and influences the body and mind.  While sleeping, the body has less sensory activity, altered consciousness, and reduced activity in muscles.  The whole body is resting.  Sleep alternates between two patterns, REM and non-REM sleep.  Different things happen and don’t happen during these two sleep patterns. REM Sleep  During this sleep mode, the body is in virtual paralysis and an anabolic state.  Bodily systems are resting and dreams can occur.  While dreaming, the experience will feel real, but when awake, the dream will be realized as fantasy. REM sleep helps to restore the nervous, muscular, immune, and nervous systems.  All vital processes need to be maintained and REM sleep mode keeps the memory, mood, and cognitive functions healthy. Non-REM Sleep Non-REM sleep is very different from REM sleep.  This is the first wave of sleep.  The body’s heart rate and temperature will fall, and less energy will be used by the brain. REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep represents the smaller part of sleeping time.  One cycle of REM and non-REM sleep takes about 90 minutes.  There can be between 4 and 6 cycles in a good night’s sleep. A Good Night’s Sleep A good night’s sleep is as important as exercise and healthy eating. Not sleeping well is linked to gaining weight.  Poor sleep is also associated with a bigger risk of stroke and heart disease.  Depression and other mental health issues are linked directly to sleeping disorders and poor quality of sleep. Sleeping well can improve productivity and concentration as well as performance.  Sleep improves immune function.  The bottom line is that a good night’s sleep is one of the pillars of good health and can change a lot of negatives into positives. [...]
Child EducationThe giving of advice is a socially accepted activity.  However, advice can sometimes be bothersome and ill-advised.  The wrong advice can cause more problems without offering any solutions. A lot of factors can influence parental decisions.  Each parent is an individual that was educated by their parents.  They could come from different backgrounds and cultures, different social classes, and different languages. All these differences will have an effect on how their children will be raised.  An outsider won’t know all this, but they may still give you advice. How to Handle All Advice Listen to all advice given, but do not follow all of it without discussing it.  Advice is given in good faith and should be received as such.  Nobody has to know if it is followed or not.  Parents should decide if given advice will work or not. Fun Advice Random advice from actual parents trying to lighten the mood in really trying situations can really lift the spirit.  Some of these might just be helpful. Listen to what children ask and say, do not answer yes to anything if you were not listening intently.  You may not be able to distance yourself from a promise made while not listening.  No excuse. A certain way to ensure that children eat their food, tell them it is yours. Be prepared that books and playthings are only going to last one playtime. Talking to rocks or walls or any inanimate object is a good way to practice speaking to your young toddler.  Their ears haven’t been fully developed by then and they will display the same skills for listening as those objects. Good Advice Good advice is to always follow your feelings and thoughts about any given advice.  Although all advice is given to try and help parents, not all advice will work the same for different parents. [...]
Child Education / Parental EducationA parent is a child’s first link to education and to learning the important things they need to live a meaningful life.  At school, they will be taught to read and write and socialize with others, but the parents will begin the process at home. Educating a Parent  When parents decide to have a child, that is also the moment their education should start.  Having a good, solid relationship with each other is a good beginning.  Education will change throughout time, beginning with learning what is good for the child before birth. Potentially, parents should be educated about family planning, medical issues and care, and nutrition and health.  This will include thinking about the health of mother and baby, before birth, and how to maintain that health for the whole family as it grows. An educated parent will learn how to provide all that is needed at the correct stage in every child’s growing process.  They will know how to handle challenging behavior, and how to be a good example in social situations. Educating a Child  A baby learns through actions and playing and through experiencing love and giving love back in their own way.  A young child learns through watching and copying the actions they see. An educated parent will know that loving your children and showing and telling them that they are loved may be the most important way of teaching them. Always make time to spend with a child. Quality time is time that they will remember and treasure.  It can be anything they like from reading a book, playing a game, or just being together.  Children learn through play and copying the actions they observe. Education works both ways Listen to what a child tries to tell you, and when they are grown, they will listen to you.  Even when they cannot speak fluently, still listen and try to understand.  A mutual feeling of being important to the other will grow and a special bond will follow. Seeing their parents in a happy, steady relationship, respecting each other and their children are the greatest gifts parents can give their children. [...]




October 2024